

Log of remaining issues


Quitting by closing the window:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./cadnano/gui/controllers/documentcontroller.py", line 721, in windowCloseEventHandler
  File "./cadnano/gui/controllers/documentcontroller.py", line 329, in actionCloseSlot
  File "./cadnano/gui/controllers/documentcontroller.py", line 83, in destroyDC
  File "./cadnano/gui/controllers/documentcontroller.py", line 91, in disconnectSignalsToSelf
    o = win.outliner_widget
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'outliner_widget'
Abort trap: 6

LOD isn't working - resetGL doesn't seem to be called?

Change visibility of part with some path item (e.g. endpoints, strand, etc) selected.

Change visibility of oligo with paintTool selected.

I.e. maybe we need an abstract tool with default methods

Xovers don't line up when importing cadnano2 honeycomb design

Need to be able to click away from active helix somehow to deselect and make nothing active (maybe click inside part but not on VH?)

Select several vh and try to edit length

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./cadnano/gui/views/propertyview/propertyeditorwidget.py", line 272, in createEditor
    editor = treewidgetitem.configureEditor(parent_QWidget, option, model_index)
  File "./cadnano/gui/views/propertyview/virtualhelixitem.py", line 132, in configureEditor
TypeError: getProperty() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
Abort trap: 6

Display pencil tool "forced xover hint" for any hover event on prexover.

Some way to clear / hide abstract sequences?